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to Play for Rhythm Volleyball Academy!

Aaron Hastings

Recruiting Coordinator

Rhythm Volleyball Academy (RVA) is thrilled to announce the hiring of Aaron Hastings as RVA’s Recruiting Coordinator. Aaron joins us after two seasons as a First Assistant Coach at Belmont University.

Aaron is a well-traveled and seasoned collegiate coach who has coached in 5 different NCAA D1 conferences. Those first-hand coaching experiences are an unparalleled resource in guiding Rhythm athletes who are exploring collegiate opportunities and placement.

Hastings has contributed to the volleyball landscape in 2 of the nation’s top volleyball hotbed states, Texas and Ohio. Aason came to Nashville after a stint in Denton, Texas coaching for the University of North Texas. The Ohio native also served a coaching stint at the University of Akron. While at Akron, he coached libero Taylor Sharrits to a 2020-21 MAC Defensive Player of the Year honor, the first MAC defensive superlative in Akron history. Hastings was a key contributor to a stout service team that was 2nd in the nation in aces!

Coach Aaron has worked with some of our nation’s top coaches and programs including legend Reed Sunahara (University of West Virginia) and Geoff Carlston (The Ohio State University). Hastings served as Operational Manager at Ohio State from 2010 – 2012 before leaving for Morgantown WV to coach at the University of West Virginia from 2013 – 2020.

Aaron will be at the forefront of connecting Rhythm Volleyball Academy to colleges throughout the country. RVA will be hosting multiple recruiting combines and clinics along with an annual spring collegiate play date. Hastings will be on-site to get to know our players, families, and coaches. This familiarity is synergetic with the intimate training experience RVA will provide its athletes.

Coach Aaron will direct our families through the creation of recruiting emails, videos, and “do’s and don’ts” along with educating our families on NCAA and NAIA timelines and restrictions.

Hastings received his Bachelor of Sports and Leisure, Leadership & Humanities from Ohio State University in 2010 and his Master of Science in Physical Activity & Sport Science from the University of West Virginia in 2016.

Aaron is engaged to Courtney Jones and resides in Nashville.